Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Year Gone By

It is truly hard to believe a year has gone by since I started my blog. Wow...happy anniversary blog! It might not seem like much to some, but to me it is surely something to celebrate. I hear about blogs left and right. Some people start a MySpace or Facebook or similar type of web page or blog to jot down their treasured thoughts, share photos, and write about anything under the sun. I never thought I would be able to maintain a blog given my very busy schedule, family & life details. Who would have ever thought? So, cheers to another year to come! I have to shoot for smaller goals these days as it seems things are not always set in stone. I feel as though I need to declare a resolution of some sort, but instead I'd rather set goals for myself:
  1. Get to Cal State Fullerton
  2. Take more photos and learn from the best sports photographers
  3. Network and cover more events for newspaper articles, reviews & interviews
  4. Get to Cal State Fullerton
  5. Pass my classes this semester; and "walk" this May at graduation
  6. Buy or fix our second car (anyone out there willing to part or sell their car????)
  7. Get to Cal State Fullerton
  8. Become a great photojournalist
  9. Spend more quality time with my family
  10. Get to Cal State Fullerton
There! That about sums it all up!


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