Wednesday, April 02, 2014

To the Max

It seems no matter how I'm feeling, this guy always manages to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and out. Sure, he can be the family's big pain in the rear, but Max always finds his way back into our hearts.

Some things I'm thankful are:

I have him to thank for providing Steve and I the time for our walks around the neighborhood.

I have him to thank for getting me out of the house more often to walk between one to three miles daily when exercise seems non-existent with my busy schedule.

I have him to thank for being a good listener when I need to vent sometimes.

I have him to thank for cozying up by my feet while he waits for me -- no matter how wee into the night I am up working, blogging, writing, or photo/video-editing.

I have him to thank for giving us a good scare a few months ago when he jumped over the fence to get "friendly" with the neighbor dog even though he got bit in the paws, yelped to high heaven and Christopher had to hop over to rescue his poor little butt. A dose of good ol' American humble pie!

I have him to thank for our instant house alarm and doorbell when someone is here visiting - friend or foe.

I have him to thank for being a big little brother to Panther even if he thinks he's the alpha dog (now quit trying to hump all the time).

I have him to thank for being Max.

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