Holla! Day Two
After a goodnight's rest, we got up and had chorizo & eggs, bacon, sausages and rolled them up into breakfast burritos! Yummy! It was a lazy-sort-of-day for all of us. We enjoyed each other's company throughout the thunder and lightning storm.
After lunch and a Sunday stroll around the neighborhood, they jumped into the pool for a later afternoon swim. Elvira, James and I prepared for a barbecue at the Vierstras'. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and soda - and more stories galore!!! Even funnier than the night before. Believe it or not, stories that even I had never heard (and I thought I heard them all).
With our bellies filled up with barbecued delight, we retired to our home where I sit now before you recalling the details of the weekend; Jennie's decorating her cell phone with Nail Art gems; Christopher tucked in for beddy-bye; Steve's working on a homemade video creation (I can't wait to see that!); Tony and Aaron are playing "Pokeman" on Gameboy; Ariana's coloring on notebook paper; and Joseph is asleep in the living room.
Tomorrow (Monday) they leave for a drive to Las Vegas to visit with friends and to see Jennie's old stomping ground. The kids are a little bummed they are leaving for a few days but they will return by Saturday and will stay with us for the following week before flying back to NY.

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