Monday, May 08, 2006

Precious Moments

Today I received grave news of my cousin's passing. Emmanuel (aka Moo or Mun) was a year younger than me. Just two (2) months earlier (this year) we lost his mother, my aunt - my dad's eldest sister. I cannot begin to tell you how heavy my heart is of our family's loss. My aunt and my cousin are our reminders of how precious life is.

If given a chance to get together with your loved ones, take advantage of them. If allowed to spend one more joyous laugh with one another, absorb that opportunity. Because you know not what tomorrow brings, Carpe Diem! SEIZE THE MOMENT today.

Please continue to keep my family in your prayers. In the quietness of your heart, please remember:

May Ann (Moo's sister)

Allan (Moo's brother)

Sebio (Moo's father)

The Nuezca Family

The Soriano Family

The Nadal Family

And the entire family unit.

Please know how precious all of you are to me and to us.

Thank you.


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