Hard Work and (hardly) No Play Pays Off

Well, today I was the recipient of two (2) scholarships from Boeing and Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union Worthy Student Award. It's good to know that all the hard work, long study sessions, and endless homework research & essay-writings well into the early mornings (often times 3:00 or 3:30 AM) has paid off. If nothing else, this is to be an example to my children to keep perservering - no matter the academic road they choose - keep striving for your goals. I am eternally grateful to those who have made a difference in my life, and for those who have inspired, encouraged and supported me throughout the 2005-2006 school year. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. And finally...THANK YOU to my family for enduring my endless gripe sessions, the burning of the midnight oil, for the click-clacks on my laptop while typing in the darkness, the loud hissing from the printer, and for missed baseball games on the weekends to work on homework; THANK YOU for allowing the house to be "messy" and for putting up with me. Much gratitude and humbleness, ~Annie
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