Our Memorial Day Classic (Rivera Family Style) - Ode to Disneyland

Memoirs of life as a mother of four who works full time as a publicist. This is my collection of stories and proudest moments in my life. Enjoy!
Question? Was it me or was something just not right? I was especially puzzled by the "odd" behavior of the Clay Aiken wanna-be. He was so certain he "sounded" and "looked" like Clay. What's worse is AI airing (uh...read: exploiting) him with his attempts in singing an Elton John classic. It was William Hung all over again. I couldn't take much more of it. I began to claw at the walls and my horns were protruding out from the top of my head, when all of a sudden.....
....a bright light shines from beyond in the distance...a dark silhouette glimmers...It's...no, it can't be...It's......
...THANK GOD!!!!!!!! It's really Clay Aiken. He really did come to save the night.
My horns returned to its proper and upright position inside my head and the walls were spared once more. No biting off of anyone's head in my household.
If you haven't seen the video of AI when Clay came out, here it is. For your viewing pleasure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N_aJr3C-Qo&feature=Views&page=1&t=t&f=b
I'm usually not this critical, but this was a no-brainer. I apologize if I offend.
I'm a fan of www.youtube.com
It's traveling time again. The Placentia Mustangs (Christopher's travel ball team) is hitting the road this weekend. This time they're off to Santa Barbara, CA. Ahhh, picturesque Santa Barbara...or at least I think it is. It just sounds far, doesn't it? Games begin Saturday, May 27th and go through Monday, May 29th - with a potential to play in the Championship game on Monday.
Join me in wishing the Mustangs a great tournament!!!
I have a white board at home in which I write the family's schedule for the week. On the top of the white board, I have the letters "W.O.D." which stands for "Word of the Day". Every week I randomly select and write a new word on the board and the kids' responsibility is to look it up, tell me the definition, and to use it in a sentence. Pretty simple.A friend at work sent me this list of W.O.D.'s:
(Not exactly kid-friendly, but funny as heck!!!)
I have to tell you...with the Spring semester behind me now, I am having withdrawals. It's Tuesday night and I think I should be at Biology. The kids and Steve still ask me: "Do you have school tonight?" Ummm..."No, finals are over with remember?" is my reply. And to think I have two more weeks of this until Summer school begins. Which only means one thing...you'll be seeing alot more postings on this blog! Lucky you.
...We watch all sports channels. There's a difference. Honestly, there's not one TV in this house that isn't on a sports channel (or at the very most, for the non-avid-sports population in this househould, the Disney channel or Cartoon Network). I can't tell you what a regular TV show or even what a mainstream news station looks like (except maybe NCIS! Ha...did you like that shameless plug Burt?). I kid you not - 24/7 sports is always on in my house! Do I dare tell you that Steve falls asleep with the remote control in his hand? And of course, there's a sports program showing. But don't try and sneak in to shut off the TV. The minute the TV goes off, his sleepy-eyed highness wakes up and says, "I was watching that!" Yeah right. In your dreams, maybe (literally).